Tuesday 17 February 2009


So China...

Today was my ‘day in the city’ as I leave Beijing tomorrow on yet another 24 hour train ride down to Honkers (the final destination) and even though I walked till I dropped, I barely even scratched the surface of what this city has to offer. So after mulling my options over a coffee this morning, I decided to bail on the tourist route and just wander…up and down the back streets, through the old hutongs, ate ‘who knows what’ from the street vendors, chatted chinglish to cheery old blokes, took plenty of pictures and got properly lost.

I did learn a few things today...

1: The Chinease are very friendly people
2: The Chinease love to spit
3: I'm bringing a skateboard to Beijing next time
4: There is no point trying to walk around the city, review the scale on the map next time.
5: There really are more bicycles here than you can belive

A good day. Time for a beer to wash down the dog meat.

Cheerio, more from Hong Kong.


Footloose said...

Unbelievable! how could you even joke about eating chinese dogs, we are related you know...........have gone off you a lot, Vincent

Footloose said...

Would I like Bejing? I could chase 9 million bicycles, spit, and behave like a cannibal (or whatever the dog word is for eating your mates)
Vince........you will have a lot of sucking-up to do to make up for these cannablistic acts carried out in the name of 'travel & adventure'. kind regards from,